Posted by: yukachi | 12.08.12

Iguchi Yuka News 8/12

Dear Mr. Mailman, about time you delivered the goods but I’m thankful you were able to deliver this. By far this is my favorite Moon DVD ever.

Not much news last week except Iguchi Yuka no Moon DVD in New Caledonia was out last 8/10. I waited for four excruciating days for the mailman to deliver this but it was worth it. For those who bought her DVD you have the chance to participate in her hand-shaking event on Sept. As you can see in the picture above, the DVD comes with a lottery ticket. Instructions on how to join is very easy, all you need is to buy a postcard in your local post office, write the necessary details in the lottery ticket like your name, address, phone, etc. then cut-out the printed details, paste it to the postcard and then send it via snail mail. Deadline of submission is Aug. 31 and those who are lucky enough to be selected will be informed around early Sept. Oh and you can see in the pic the bromide of Bunka Housou (you will get different bromides depending on the store you bought). Also, those who bought it on Comiket 82 should have received a poster and sticker! D: Man, I wish I didn’t bought this online and just bought it on Comiket…


  1. Is it possible for you to upload a video of it?


    • Is it possible? Yes, but not right now or soon.

      If it makes you feel any better, I posted some screenshots, check out the latest post.


      • So when is the estimated time you think you have the time to do it?


        • We don’t have an estimated time at the moment but we are working on it. I believe more people will appreciate the DVD if they can understand what’s going on…


          • Oh you are planning to sub it?I don’t really care about subs but there are actually people who is interested in watching this?


  2. Oh its okay I can wait


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